Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mitt Romney's oldest son makes Obama threat !!!!

Mitt Romney's oldest son, Tagg Romney joked in a radio interview Wednesday his preferred method of dealing with a combative President Barack Obama was to "take a swing" at his dad's rival.

Asked on the Bill Lumaye radio show what it's like "to hear the President of the United States call your dad a liar," Tagg Romney joked about his fantasy response.
take a swing at him," he said. "But you know you can't do that because, well, first because there's a lot of Secret Service between you and him, but also because that's the nature of the process. You know they're going to try to do anything they can do to make my dad into something he's not."

"We signed up for it, we've got to kind of sit there and take our punches, and send them the other way," he continued.

One of Tagg Romney's brothers, Josh, downplayed the comments in a Thursday morning interview on ABC's "The View."
"That brother has slugged me a couple of times," Josh Romney said. "I'm sure President Obama has nothing to worry about."

Asked about the original comments on Thursday, Romney campaign spokeswoman Amanda Henneberg said Tagg Romney was "joking about how frustrating this process can be for family."
Forget about all of the quotes and comments about "binders for women" and "gender pay equality," let's chat for a moment about violence and children.

Tagg Romney, Mitt's son, who got his job as a managing partner at Solamere Capital through family privilege, was recording stating that he "wanted to punch President Obama." And that the only thing stopping him was the Secret Service.

More likely the only thing stopping him was knowing he'd have likely gotten his block knocked off right in front of the whole world. Then again, for a man raised by a single parent, President Obama more than likely would have been too much of a gentleman to hit the whining privileged kid back. He's a lover, not a brawler.

But forget who would have won a brawl between the two of them ... let's talk about violence. Period.

Mitt Romney stood on stage at the debates on the evening of October 16 and let the world know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is nothing more than a collector, and that he wants the United States White House on his collector's shelf.

In less than an hour, he told the nation's women that he had "binders full of women" that were hired during his administration, neglecting the fact that the majority of women in executive positions dropped to less than half during that time as well.

He said that as President, he would 'understand' that women need to sometimes get off work early to go home and "cook and clean." (Where is he? Still back in the 19th century?)
He said that single mothers, single parenting, is the biggest cause of gun crime violence in the nation, while talking to a President who was raised by a single mom who has a Secretary of State who is married to a former President who was raised by a single mom.

Yet ... his own son, as the former governor speaks about the violence of children raised by single mothers, is recorded saying that he "wanted to punch President Obama" for doing what President Obama should have been doing ... calling his father a liar.

Considering that his father has been leaked to the world as not only a liar and a tax hustler who should be in prison, not in the Oval Office; but also as a man who would tape his family dog to the top of an SUV for a cross-country trip, as a school bully himself who went around dressing up as a cop to scare people, and whose wife also says that she worries about his "mental health" if he is elected ... that should just about tell everyone everything what they need to know about the entire Romney family ... husband, wife, kids, dog, and all.

They are saying what they want to say exactly like they want to say it...and they don't seem to be aware that the whole world is listening through ears that they don't have to hear with.

They are being interviewed, not just for Mitt Romney, but their whole family is being interviewed by the United States of America for a job it doesn't look like they're going to get.

Boy Scouts' Internal Files Equated Gay Leaders With Pedophiles

A newly posted database shows in disturbing detail how the Boy Scouts of America has regularly equated gay people with pedophiles — a false equivalence sometimes made by those that argue gays are rightly barred from the group.

The so-called "Perversion Files" were made public by Seattle attorney Tim Kosnoff, who used the BSA's confidential "Ineligible Volunteers" list to track down those scoutmasters accused of sexually assaulting minors and bring them to justice in court.

According to a statement issued to The Seattle Times, the BSA believed that the confidential list was the best way to protect Scouts from sexual abuse, since an accused volunteer couldn't simply move on to another troop after allegations of abuse.

But among more than 1,200 names of those accused of pedophilia, the "Perversion Files" also list several Scout volunteers who were barred solely for being gay, not for sexually assaulting children. The BSA recently reaffirmed its ban on openly gay Scouts and volunteers, saying the ban was "absolutely the best policy for the Boy Scouts."

That the list makes no distinction between pedophiles and volunteers declared ineligible solely because of their sexual orientation shows the Scouts perpetuated the stereotype that gay people are compulsive pedophiles. That assertion is plainly false, but it hasn't stopped conservative pundits from also feeding the lie as reason to back a gay ban in Scouting. In July, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee told a caller to his radio show who had been abused by a scoutmaster that, "You make us understand why the Boy Scouts made a decision that at least I think was the right one."

The spreadsheet, which lists the date and location of offense, name and troop number of the accused, and comments surrounding the accusation, lists several volunteers declared ineligible after they "Confessed to [a] gay lifestyle." One such case, from 1985 in New York, blacklists a volunteer who was "Jailed for larceny. Confessed to gay lifestyle."

Another volunteer was added to the list in 1989, and the only comment about his suspension reads "Originally suspended in 1960 due to homosexuality."

In 1991 a Massachusetts volunteer was blacklisted with a simple, two-word reason: "Confessed homosexual."

A Maryland volunteer in 1983 was disavowed after he was "accused of homosexual acts."

While some of the instances of assault occurred between people of the same sex, several male volunteers were convicted of assault against women and girls, according to the document.

According to another attorney who used the list to prosecute criminal pedophiles, making the names public allows victims to discover whether their assailant was ever reprimanded. "The stories in those files are real little boys and real stories of abuse," Oregon attorney Kelly Clark told The Seattle Times. "And when the public sees these stories in black and white, I think the level of understanding and frustration about sexual abuse in Scouting is going to be significantly elevated."

Bill O'Reilly Confused by the Difference Between Gays and Child Molesters

Bill O'Reilly of Fox News seemed confused in an interview when told there's no basis for saying pedophilia is more of a gay problem than a straight one.
ThinkProgress points out that O'Reilly Monday night interviewed the Southern Poverty Law Center's Mark Potok, who leads its decision-making on which organizations should be labeled as "hate groups." SPLC had been the target of complaining by right-wing groups that the "hate group" moniker leads to attacks like a recent shooting at the Family Research Council.
Potok tried to explain to O'Reilly that FRC has a long history of distributing "flat-out lies" and "demonizing" information about LGBT people, including its regular conflation of gay people with child molesters.
"So they are pointing out that in this area, there is a higher percentage of gay pedophilia, homosexual pedophilia, than heterosexual pedophilia," O'Reilly said, as if he were citing a fact. "Are they a hate group for pointing that out?"
"But Bill, they’re not pointing something out that’s true," Potok said. "They’re making a false allegation."

Nurse Falsely Outs Gay Man as HIV-Positive to Patients

A gay man has received an apology after a nurse announced that he was HIV-positive in front of a crowded waiting room of other patients, as well as the man's boss.

Liam Taylor, of Christchurch, New Zealand, said that he had gone to his dentist's office for a root canal earlier this year, and during the procedure, a dental assistant pricked herself with a needle. According to The Dominion Post, Taylor was asked to take a blood test to ensure that he had not transmitted HIV or another blood-based illness to the dental assistant

When he arrived at St. George's Hospital for testing, Taylor went to a nurse supervising the desk to clarify the details on the incident report.

"I took it back up to the desk and the nurse said I had filled out the wrong section of the form," he said in the article. "She said I needed to fill out the 'source' section, not the 'recipient' section because I was 'the source of the HIV or AIDS.' I was just totally shocked when she said that."

Taylor's boss accompanied him to the clinic, and overheard the nurse's statement. "The nurse then said, 'sorry, I mean the potential source of HIV or AIDS.' I was so embarassed, All these people were in the waiting room, and she said it loudly...and the first thing that came to my mind was, 'is she just assuming that I have diseased because I'm gay?'

Taylor tested negative for HIV.

After he told the dental office what happened, they reduced his bill by $150. A staff person at the lab also called Taylor to apologize for the incident.

Transgender Zombies Take Manhattan in Music Video

Just in time for the Right Out TV Music and Video Awards, transgender cantador StormMiguel Florez has released first music video to celebrate his nomination. The video for Florez's popular song "I've Been To Manhattan" has a heartbroken zombie who finds his true nature in this ode to the legendary cocktail of the same name. Sounding like a sexier transgender answer to Johnny Cash, Florez is a Mexican-American folksinger to watch out for, and the video is chock full of of other trans pop-cultural cameos from other San Francisco-based artists including indie rocker Shawna Virago and dancer Sean Dorsey.

Florez is up for a Right Out Award in two categories: Best Video DIY (along with Blinded by Stardust, Charles K Brown, Kat Devlin, Brett Every, Sonasfly, Corday) and Fan Favorite (along with a number of other LGBT artists including Melange LaVonne, Ladi G, and Grrlz Will Be BoiZ).The awards are meant to honor the contributions of out LGBTI musicians and fans can vote on the latter category until tomorrow at will be announced October 29.

Is James Bond Bisexual?

That's the question on everyone's mind after the flirtatious scene between Daniel Craig and Javier Bardem
Well of course the answer is yes. Haven't we always detected the crackle of sexuality in all his interactions—whether with a woman or a man? But to many, James Bond is seen as a heterosexual icon, as he womanizes his way through his many daring exploits. Now that the question as to whether Bond could be bi has become a big topic of discussion with the latest film in the franchise, Skyfall (out November 9), we wonder if it really is that surprising after all these years.
 In an early reaction to the film, Frank Digiacomo noted that Javier Bardem's villain Silva, a former MI6 agent, seems to have a thing for Bond. And when Bond and Silva meet, the latter "caresses the bound MI6 agent's chest. In response to Silva's attentions, 007 replies, 'What makes you think this is my first time?' "

So the Movieline writer asked Craig about it at a recent press conference, wondering if it was just a bluff.

"What are you going to do?" Craig replied breezily, getting a nice laugh from the crowd, but then he added: "I don't see the world in sexual divisions." He then changed the subject from Bond to to Bardem's wonderfully flamboyant character, Silva. "Someone suggested that Silva may be gay," Craig said with a big smile. "And I'm like, I think he'll fuck anything."

Bardem made some statements of his own—"It was part of the game, but it’s not entirely the game"—that seemed to reflect an idea that it wasn't about sex, it was about power.

But whatever the case, there's always been air of around Bond, and his ease with jumping into the sack with anyone, no matter what the consequences, seem to point more to his sexual slipperiness rather than any clearly defined roles.

In fact, the homophobic nature of the secret services was a reality and U.S. and U.K. secret agents were gay was often seen as a security risk. In Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, the adaptation of John le Carré's novel, an agent is revealed to be gay, and he must break up with his partner due to a security risk. So even though it was a feeling that pervaded the Cold War era especially, now that Bond has been rebooted for a post-Cold War era, we should wonder: Would a bisexual Bond really change his image all that much?

Arizona Student Paper Apologizes for Violent, Homophobic Cartoon !

The editors of the Arizona Daily Wildcat, the student newspaper for the University of Arizona, have formally apologized for publishing a cartoon that seems to advocate violence against gay people. The apology says, "The Wildcat staff made a serious error in judgment in printing a cartoon that some readers felt was homophobic and inappropriate."

The four-panel comic, written by UA student D.C. Parsons and published Tuesday, features a father telling his young son, "If you ever tell me you're gay ... I will shoot you with my shotgun, roll you up in a carpet and throw you off of a bridge."

"Well I guess that's what they call a Fruit Roll-Up!" the child responds, before the two characters are seen laughing hysterically.

Reader response was harsh and swift, including the creation of a petition on calling for the cartoonist, editor in chief, and copy editor to be fired. The petition has more than 3,000 signatures. 

The student cartoonist also publicly apologized, stopping short of a full mea culpa.

"I would like to formally apologize to anyone who I may have offended in my comic 'etc.' on Tuesday. The comic was not intended to offend," wrote Parsons in a response posted on the Wildcat's website. "It was based on an experience from my childhood. My father is a devout conservative from a previous generation, and I believe he was simply distraught from the fact that I had learned (from The Simpsons) what homosexuality was at such a young age. I have always used humor as a coping mechanism, much like society does when addressing social taboos. … I do sincerely apologize and sympathize with anyone who may be offended by my comics (I am often similarly offended by 'Ralph and Chuck'), but keep in mind it is only a joke, and what's worse than a joke is a society that selectively ignores its problems."

Several commenters pointed out that what's actually worse than a vastly unfunny joke is a society that condemns LGBT people for who they are and makes light of the fact that they are so often victims of murder, suicide, and assault.

                                          -Thoughts from Celeste-                                     

Sometimes stories will come across my desk and I think "There is no way this has happened,how could some thing so shocking and bizarre be real" Well this is one of those times !  The disturbing comic was printed in a student paper at the University of Arizona. The comic was written by a student,however I do believe that all submissions to the paper has to be approved by the editor before being published. In my opinion the editor failed horribly. In the apology that was issued by the paper stated "The Wildcat staff made a serious error in judgment in printing a cartoon that some readers felt was homophobic and inappropriate."

Error in judgement,WOW.....that's an understatement ! As an institution of higher learning did they honestly not think people would be upset.The apologies issued seamed to be very cold and even less sincere. I urge readers to visit and sign the petition, this simply can not be allowed to happen and the University of Arizona needs to take responsibility and action !