Saturday, October 13, 2012

California Republican Supports Marriage Equality

Gary DeLong, a Republican running for Congress in a new California district, has joined the ranks of those willing to go against the party platform on LGBT rights, ThinkProgress reports.
At a recent League of Women Voters forum, DeLong said, “There’s a number of things I disagree with the Republican Party on. I’m pro-choice. They’re pro-life. I support gay marriage. They don’t.”
DeLong and Democrat Alan Lowenthal, also a marriage equality supporter, are vying to represent the 47th congressional district, created by remapping due to population shifts. It encompasses parts of Los Angeles County, including a portion of traditionally liberal, LGBT-friendly Long Beach, and Orange County, which is historically conservative but has been becoming more diverse and liberal in recent years. It is considered a swing district, ThinkProgress notes.

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