Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Keith Patron Charged WIth Hate Crime For West Third Street McDonald's Attack

GREENWICH VILLAGE — The alleged hate crime attacker who slashed a 22-year-old transgender woman at the West 3rd Street McDonald's last week is under arrest, police said.
Keith Patron, 44, turned himself in at a Bronx precinct Monday, saying he recognized himself in the video released by cops, police said. He is expected to be charged with assault as a hate crime after allegedly yelling anti-gay epithets at the victim and another transgender patron when they tried to enter the woman's bathroom at the fast food chain on Sept. 19.
"You're going to the wrong bathroom," Patron told the women, according to sources. The man then threatened to "f--- them up."
The women left the McDonald's, but the more than 300-pound man followed them outside and allegedly took a swing at one of them.
One of them punched back at him and then kneed him in the groin, sources said.
That's when Patron pulled out a razor blade and repeatedly slashed the woman in the elbow, face, back and neck, according to police.
The woman was rushed to Bellevue Hospital after the attack, where she received stiches.
The West 3rd Street McDonald's has long been troubled by fights and wild behavior. Former McDonald's worker Rayon McIntosh was arrested in 2011 after beating two woman with a aluminum rod after they jumped over the counter to confront him. He was later cleared of felony assault charges. McDonald's franchise owners previously defended their store, saying the incident took place outside. They said they are cooperating with police.

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